First, thank you for taking the time to come visit my website and showing an interest in me and my photography.
Whether you are here , just for a browse , or interested in my style of photography for your special day , a family photograph you will cherish forever , or just something for yourself , I promise you, it will change the way you see yourself . Its time to be seen , heard and valued and that’s where I come in !
Outside Photography , I’m someone who is really interested in People.
I love hearing stories about peoples backgrounds , or how a newly to be couple first met.
I am a Dad , to an amazingly talented and very funny little boy , who came into my life on Halloween morning in 2011 !
From then my passion for photography was reinvigorated, and I haven’t looked back.
I am also a huge Shamrock Rovers F.C fan , and rarely listen to music that’s not Garth Brooks !!
When all is said and done, I love life , cherish loyalty , and believe in leaving the world a better place before I go.
I am a multi award winning Portrait Photographer with The Portrait Masters , so don’t worry , I can well handle the typical ‘Irish’ nerves.
I hope we get to work together soon ,